CLS partner LightTwist Projectverlichting is specialized in among others lighting solutions for bowling alleys. Light designer Roy Verhoeven made a special design for a private bowling alley.
The stunning light effects were reached with the use of only 40 CLS LON GII RGBW fixtures. The LON GII is available in both built-in and surface mounted variants and is equipped with built-in DMX electronics.
The installation of the LON GII is very easy, because both the power and data signal are transmitted through a standard RJ45 CAT5 cable. The power consumption is only 10 Watt per fixture.
LightTwist Projectverlichting was not only responsible for the light design, but also took care of the installation and the programming of this lighting solution.
If you would like to find out what CLS can do for you in regard to the lighting of your thematic location, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. CLS light solutions are available worldwide through a network of enthusiastic, experienced and most of all professional companies.