After 75 years, the Artis Groote Museum is once again open to the public. The Groote Museum is about you and how you are connected to nature. In 1855 this was the first museum in Amsterdam. Due to the lack of good lighting at the time (there was no electricity yet), the museum was designed to make as much use of daylight as possible. An aspect that lighting designer Simon Corder did not want to lose during the renovation. The Jade Zoom Tunable White adjusts the lighting according to the time of day, season, and different weather types. For example, the lighting is dimmer on a cloudy day than on a sunny summer day.
Our distributor Ata Tech has supplied over 300 Jade Zoom Tunable White fixtures with DMX control to accurately control and program the lighting schedule for all different conditions. The result is a natural experience that fits the vision of the museum’s original designers in the 19th century.