Hoogenboezem Den Bosch has been the number one place for the most beautiful and qualitative furnishing and home decoration in the entire region. It features brands such as XOOON, Henders & Hazel, IN.House, Profijt Meubel and many more.
In an earlier stage, we already supplied Hoogenboezem branches in Breda and Rotterdam with our high quality LED lighting. Now, it was time to improve the Den Bosch branch with the following CLS fixtures:
the Jade S in rail version, the Jade Bolt for mounting on cable tray, the Otis mirror fixture and the pendular Ruby fixture.
In order to create the most optimal lighting for the large Hoogenboezem store, we opted for our special LED light source for the furniture industry. This 3000 Kelvin light source with a CRI of ≈92 was developed by CLS in close cooperation with the world’s largest manufacturer of LED modules and is known for its perfect color display of furniture, combined with a warm basic hue.
CLS armatures are entirely designed and manufactured in the Netherlands. Because of the great quantity of products created, we are able to offer them to you at very competitive prices. We also offer a full 5 year warranty. On top of that, our experienced light advisors can create free of charge light plans for your showrooms of 500 square meters and up. You can even use our adjustment service, where one of our experienced light advisors tailors all the fixtures in just the right position for each and every setting that you wish to create.
Over the past years, CLS has helped dozens of furniture stores to great satisfaction of both the entrepreneurs as their personnel. Upon your request, we would gladly supply you with references and inform you about the many possibilities for your company.