CLS Lighting can be used in many different situations. Fixtures are being used in museums, offices, theatres, facade lighting and more. This recently finished project proves that projects do not need to be very large to realize beautiful concepts.
This retail shop got a complete makeover. The interior design was made by RetailLab. With this makeover the shop got a very elegant and warm character. RetailLab chose the CLS Ultima Track and Luxo series for this project. The beautiful design of the black Ultima’s amplifies the character of the interior. Also, the very low UGR value (<13) makes sure that glare is limited to a minimum when walking through the shop. With the different available lenses in the Ultima Retail, numerous objects have been optimally illuminated. In the centre part of the shop, Luxo 3 and Luxo 6 are used to create the perfect working ambiance around the cash desk and fitting rooms.