The Zuiderzeemuseum in Enkhuizen (the Netherlands) tells the grand tale of the history, the current situation and the future of the IJsselmeer area. The IJsselmeer was created in 1932, when the Afsluitdijk (Enclosure Dam) was placed to separate the Zuiderzee from the Waddenzee or Wadden Sea. The lake that was created by this dam, was called the IJsselmeer.
The museum consists of an outdoor museum with over 140 historical buildings and looks just like an actual Dutch village. The indoor museum exhibits all kinds of art, culture and heritage from both before and after the placement of the Enclosure Dam. Characteristic for the Zuiderzeemuseum is the fact that it serves as a bridge between the culture-historical collection and contemporary art and design.
The permanent exhibition within the museum has recently undergone a massive refurbishment and has been supplied with new illumination. During intensive tests, various renowned international brands were compared to each other on a large set of criteria, such as colour rendition, smoothness of the light beam, dim range and of course pricing. In the end, the highest score was for CLS lighting.
Frank Hulsebosch of 50LUX was the light advisor during the whole testing process and also took care of the actual illumination of the permanent exhibition. The wonderful outcome of his work can be seen on the images below.
All in all, 500 Focus HP T 230V fixtures with the superior Magno dim were used, combined with 185 Jade Expo Local Dim fixtures and 85 Focus Compact GII T DMX fixtures.
CLS partner Lichtpunt took care of the delivery of all fixtures to the museum in the northwest of the Netherlands.
We wish the Zuiderzeemuseum many great years with their new CLS lighting system.
Photography by Erik Hesmerg