The place where everything that has to do with biodiversity comes together
Since Saturday the 31st of August, Naturalis has opened its doors again for its visitors of all ages. The renowned institute for biodiversity (based in the Dutch city of Leiden) is the place where everyone, both scientist and regular visitors to the museum, can learn more about nature and biodiversity.
With the joined forces of all of its collections and its scientists, the most modern facilities for biodiversity research and a beautiful new museum, Naturalis is ready to take on the future.
The museum part of Naturalis counts no less than 6000 m² of exhibition space, divided into 8 different halls with names such as Earth, Death, Seduction, the Age of Dinosaurs, Ice age, Life and LiveScience.
CLS is incredibly proud to supply Naturalis with lighting for the majority of the exhibition areas (6 of total 8 different halls). and the following agencies for light advice were involved in the process.
• Heinz Loopstra light design
• Rapenburg Plaza
• Joost de Beij Lichtontwerp
• Lichtatelier Okx
• DHA London
• Tom Verheijen Lichtontwerp
Kees van de Lagemaat of served as a content advisor and architectural light designer for this project, where as Rutger van Dijk of SemMika took on the role of project leader light and light programming.